Creative Showcase
Optimist Carsten Rieger is a Creative Visionary & Fortune 500 Web Designer
Delivering Unparalleled World-Class Visions for Leading Brands.
Providing quantifiable, data-driven, and best practices in Human Centered Design. Serving Fortune 500 companies and startups.
Focused on: Why, Where, & How?
- Keep It Simple
- Streamline All-Inclusive User Experiences
- Lead Generations, Lead Nurture, and Lead Conversions
- Leveraging ROI, Revenue, Leads & Sales Funnels
Career Highlights
- Ford Motor Company
Capacity: Director of Marketing and Media Operations
My extensive research and executive leadership collaboration led me to initiate, recommend, spearhead, and design the first fully functional bi-lingual English-Spanish Ford Motors automobile dealership website worldwide. It was the first of its kind Globally for the auto industry in 2015.
- Walt Disney World
Capacity: Visionary & Creative Director
Designed and developed 11 microsites. Targeting on-location convention customers in North America, Europe, and South America
- General Mills
Capacity: Visionary & Front End-Developer
Designed and developed the e-commerce website and dashboard for National Wholesale vendor’s mass stock purchases.